Our mission is to deeply connect people to Jesus, people, and mission.


Our mission statement lies behind everything we do as a church, from Children’s Ministries to Sunday mornings to Compton Clean Up days. We can’t think of anything more important than a life giving connection to Jesus that results in deeper relationships with other people and whole-hearted devotion to God’s mission in this world. What it comes down to is thinking, talking and acting more and more like Jesus and intentionally helping others to do the same. That’s what we’re all about, and it’s our perspective of what it means to be followers of Jesus.



Every person will know they are loved by God and called into a transformational relationship with Him.


Every neighborhood will have a community of Christ-followers who exist to serve it.


Every marriage will be strengthened, every single person honored, and every child raised with a sense of destiny.


Every city will have churches who will give their lives to see it look like heaven.



We celebrate our history believing it guides us into the future. We believe God has done something unique and good in and through the people called Emmanuel church, THEREFORE we celebrate our history as a faithful reminder and future guide of who we are to be and what we’re called to do.


We welcome all people, united in Christ. We believe that God's glory is revealed when diverse individuals come together to worship and serve as one. Therefore, we joyfully welcome people of all ethnicities, cultures, generations, and socio-economic backgrounds, helping them connect with Jesus, one another, and God’s mission. We often say, “Come as you are, but none of us stays as we are.” God desires to transform us into the likeness of Jesus, guiding us in worship and repentance.

We believe that God created humanity in His image, male and female. He alone gives us our worth, value, and dignity. Whether single or married, we affirm that marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman, designed by God. We invite all to join us on this journey of faith, trusting that God's ways always lead to our greatest good and His ultimate glory.


We help everyone take their next step with Jesus. We believe Jesus calls everyone to lifelong growth, THEREFORE we invite people to take the first step of giving their lives to Jesus and encourage, challenge and equip everyone to take the next step in becoming like him.


We develop disciples into leaders. We believe God’s Kingdom advances through the leadership of people, THEREFORE we invest our time, money and lives to nurture the souls, strengthen the character and develop the skillset of disciples so they can effectively lead others.


We love and serve our cities. We believe God loves our cities and desires their comprehensive Restoration, THEREFORE we serve them in hundreds of creative and tangible ways.




Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8


Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:4


Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1


Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy. Matthew 5:7


Encourage one another and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11


May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23


What We Believe


Emmanuel’s History


Meet the Team


Ken Korver

Senior Pastor

Richard Caballero

Spanish Pastor


Alexa Caballero

Spanish Ministry

Andrew Hernandez

Worship & Youth Leader, Emmanuel Arts Director

Andrew Hernandez

Student Ministries Assistant

Bailey Talsma

Director of Student Ministries & Communication, Wedding Coordinator

Cathy Lewis

Director of Children's Ministries


Christie Palmer

Couples Ministry Coordinator

Jessica Higgins

Children’s Ministries Assistant

Jody Gras

Director of Adult Discipleship & Development

Abraham Joel Valles

Worship Leader, Spanish Ministry

Jonhy Tamayo

Worship & Youth Pastor


Karrie Garcia

Preschool Director

Klarc Korver

Teaching Pastor

Linda Hill

​Administrative Assistant to Ken Korver

Mariano Allende

Worship Leader, Graphic Designer & Tech Assistant

Mayte Hernandez

Afterschool & Summer Day Camp Director


Mike DeMaster

Executive Administrator

Mike McKown

Project Hope Director

Mike Kim

Pastor of Care & Outreach

Nyajaha Livingston

Worship Leader

Peter Hernandez

Tech Director


Rachel Thomas

Worship Leader

Richard Rideout


Ruth Zymkowitz

Business Manager

Shane Matos

Head of Facilities

Stefany Velasco

Associate Business Manager


Stella Allende

Emmanuel Arts

Taelin Iñiguez

Care Coordinator & Data Director


Contact us.

15941 Virginia Ave.
Paramount, CA 90723

(562) 531-6820