Mark Your Calendar
6-8th Grade
July 21-24
9-12th Grade
June 16-19
Edge: Jr. High Ministry
At Edge, we play crazy games, laugh A LOT, and learn about Jesus together. It is our goal to create a safe place for all 6th-8th graders to come, find belonging, hear the gospel truth, be discipled, and fall in love with the Lord.
Tuesdays 6-8pm
Activity Center
Rock: High School Ministry
Rock exists to provide a space for all High School students to come, learn about, and experience the love of God. Whether you’ve been apart of the faith your whole life or it’s your first time hearing the name of Jesus, you are welcomed here. We gather together to ask big questions, learn about the Lord, and worship him, all while making new friends and having fun.
Wednesday 6-8pm
Activity Center
Sunday Opportunities
We are excited to announce that we have learning opportunities during both the 9am and 10:30am services. Signs will be pointing you in the right direction! Please contact Bailey Talsma at with any questions.
This class will be going through the Heidelberg Catechism, a 52 question and answer format that teaches the foundation of our Christian faith. This class also leads our youth to baptism, profession of faith, and/or Partner in Mission.
Resource Room
During the 9am service.
Jr High Girls Bible Study
This semester the Jr High girls group will focus on how to read the Word! We ask that you commit to meeting weekly for the whole 10 week long semester.
The Old Robe Room (In the back of the fellowship hall through the two sets of double doors)
During the 10:30am
High School Boys Bible Study
This NEW High School Boys Bible Study group will gather together on a weekly basis to dig into the Bible and what it means to live your live as a man of God.
Fellowship Hall Small Group Room
High School Girls Bible Study
This semester the High School girls group will focus on how to read the Word! We ask that you commit to meeting weekly for the whole 10 week long semester.
The Study (Old Pastor’s Room, entrance by the fellowship cry room)
During the 10:30am
What happens every Tuesday and Wednesday could not happen without a ton of amazing volunteers. We believe that equipping and empowering volunteers is the best way to raise up the next generation. Youth volunteers invest in students, help them navigate their teenage years, and point them to Christ. If you’re interested in stepping in and using your gifts to serve our students contact Bailey Talsma.