Creeds vs. Deeds
Matthew 7:13-23
Why the Details of Faith Matter: More Than Just Believing
In our fast-paced world, it's tempting to seek simplicity in all areas of life, including our faith. We often hear well-intentioned statements like, "I don't need to focus on the details of faith, I just need to live it out," or "Leave doctrine and theology aside, let's focus on the mission." While these sentiments highlight the importance of putting faith into action, they create a problematic dichotomy between belief and practice.
The truth is, the details of our faith matter profoundly. Why? Because God cares about the details, and ultimately, they all point us to Jesus Christ.
The Shema: A Call to Know and Love God
One of the most important statements in the Bible, the Shema from Deuteronomy 6, beautifully illustrates the interconnectedness of theology and practice:
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."
This passage begins with a deeply theological statement about God's nature, then immediately calls for a wholehearted response of love. The Hebrew word "shema" means both to hear and to obey, emphasizing that true faith involves both understanding and action.
Creeds and Deeds: Two Sides of the Same Coin
The early church understood this well. In Acts 2:42, we see the first Christians devoting themselves equally to the apostles' teaching (doctrine) and to fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer (practice). The Apostle Paul's letters consistently follow a pattern of theological exposition followed by practical application.
We're called to know the God we love and love the God we know. Practice without theology can devolve into mere moralism, while theology without practice leads to hypocrisy. Right belief fuels right living, and true faith expresses itself in obedience.
The Danger of Doctrinal Minimalism
Some argue that Christianity should focus only on core truths and avoid complex theology to foster unity. But this approach, known as doctrinal minimalism, can be deeply problematic.
God has revealed Himself clearly in Scripture, and we're called to take Him at His word. Proverbs 30 reminds us that "every word of God is flawless," warning us not to add to or take away from His revelation.
Jesus Himself didn't shy away from challenging teachings. In John 6, when many found His words about eating His flesh and drinking His blood difficult, Jesus didn't soften His message. He expected His followers to wrestle with deep truths about His identity and mission.
The apostle Paul spent considerable time in his letters correcting doctrinal errors and emphasizing sound teaching. Rather than downplaying theology for the sake of unity, Paul taught that clear doctrine protects and strengthens the church.
Real-Life Consequences of Doctrine
Our understanding of God's nature and His work profoundly affects how we live. Misunderstanding God's grace, for instance, can lead to either a cavalier attitude toward sin or a crushing sense of guilt and perfectionism.
In Galatians, Paul strongly rebukes those who were adding requirements to salvation beyond faith in Christ. He recognized that such teachings weren't just minor differences of opinion, but a desertion of the true gospel.
Worship: Expression and Proclamation
Our approach to worship reveals much about our theology. Worship isn't just an expression of our feelings toward God; it's a proclamation of who He is. The Bible gives us clear guidance on how God desires to be worshipped, and we should take care to align our practices with His revealed will.
Just as we would carefully plan a celebration for a loved one based on their preferences, shouldn't we approach worship with the same intentionality, seeking to please God rather than ourselves?
The Danger of Unclear Doctrine
When we're not clear about the details of our faith, we risk leading others astray. The gospel message requires clarity on several key points: God's nature as Creator, humanity's fallen condition, Christ's redemptive work, and our need to respond in faith and obedience. Omitting or downplaying any of these elements distorts the good news and can leave people with a false understanding of salvation.
Humility in Receiving God's Revelation
Ironically, doctrinal minimalism often reveals a form of pride. By deciding how much of God's truth is "enough," we place ourselves in the position of judge over divine revelation. True humility submits to God's full counsel, trusting that every doctrine serves a purpose for our good and His glory.
As Trevin Wax writes in "The Thrill of Orthodoxy," embracing orthodoxy requires "the journey of humility, seeing religion not as something we construct, but as divine revelation we receive."
The Value of Creeds and Confessions
While some view creeds and confessions as dusty relics of the past, these carefully crafted statements can serve as valuable tools for understanding and articulating our faith. Creeds summarize core beliefs succinctly, while confessions provide more detailed explanations of doctrine. Far from replacing Scripture, they act as "spark notes" that can deepen our grasp of biblical truth.
Ultimately, It's All About Jesus
At the heart of our faith is not a set of propositions, but a person: Jesus Christ. Every detail of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, points us to our beautiful Savior. He is the Lion and the Lamb, the Alpha and Omega, the one who loves us beyond our wildest imagination.
As we delve into the rich details of our faith, may we never lose sight of this central truth. Our goal in studying doctrine isn't to accumulate knowledge for its own sake, but to know Jesus more deeply, love Him more fully, and share His gospel more effectively.
Let us embrace both the simplicity and the depth of our faith, recognizing that every detail matters because it all leads us to Christ. May we be people who hear and obey, who believe and behave, who love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. For in doing so, we fulfill the greatest commandment and experience the fullness of life that Jesus came to give.